
Hey LIBies!

So it’s the last day of Autumn and we’re well and truly headed into the swing of winter! Sydney is putting on a glorious winter display (minus the couple of mornings of crazy thick fog) but today is glorious blue skies!

So winter is a time for people to get cozy, hide under layers of clothing and over indulge in a few Friday night pizza’s and vino! I’m going to try break that mould this winter by kick starting it with a program that has been floating around the interweb called Whole30. If you’re interested you can find all the info you need here including your own shopping list here.

I’m starting it tomorrow, which I think is perfect, first day of winter, first day of the month and June has 30 days, really could it get more perfect? Well I do have a friends birthday tomorrow and I’m not allowed alcohol, so maybe not all that perfect, but one of the rules is that you can’t break the program ever, never ever, not even once, otherwise it can completely ruin the ‘healing’ process your body is going through.

I’ll be blogging about my progress once a week and detailing examples of what I ate, how I felt etc. So if you’re interested and motivated by the Whole30, drop me a line, we can go through this together! I am assured by all the testimonials/forums etc that after the 30 days you feel like a new person, you do however have a few stages to get through to get to this feeling, so apologies in advance to all my loved ones if I’m a bit tired/grumpy/falling asleep on my desk that to me suddenly resembles a feather pillow…

Oh and on top of it all I will be doing hot yoga, which if you have never tried it you’re seriously missing out. After every class I feel like I am floating through the streets on my walk home. It’s great for your fitness, strength, mind and is super cleansing.

Have a fab weekend!
