Vanilla, coconut, mint & cherry chia pudding

Hi lovelies!

Yesterday I started my own version of 'dry July' - no sugar! For the whole month. I've attempted this before and only lasted 2 weeks, but this time i'm determined to last the whole month, if not longer! Last time I tried the no sugar deal I felt amazing for the first 4-5 days then seemed to go downhill and was lacking energy for the remainder of the time, has anyone else felt this? I read somewhere that this is quite normal and that you have to get through that low point and you'll come out the other end feeling fantastic!

So to help along the way I came up with this recipe for a healthy, dairy & sugar free treat. It tastes     delicious and is so good for you.

I'll let you all know how I go after the month is up! After one day yesterday of being sugar free I am already feeling amazing!

Xo J

Food styling and photography: Joni from Chasing Arrows