Healthy Sunday brunching...

It was the most glorious day in sunny Sydney today! So after an early morning stroll along the beach with friends we came back to enjoy a yummy tropical brunch!!

/ Toasted muesli
/ Lite Greek yoghurt
/ Mango
/ Almonds
/ Fresh coconut water
/ Orange juice

Oh and also meet new little baby succulent I bought from the markets. He's pretty darn cute!

Hope you all had a fab weekend!


Blue Mountains

I have a shameful confession…I have lived in Sydney for about 4 years all up and have never ventured to the Blue Mountains even though it is at Sydney’s doorstep! My boss even threatened to tweet about this fact!

So as a birthday treat I got taken to the mountains for a weekend getaway.

It was so incredible I decided to give you a list of what we did. I highly recommend it all!


·         The Windradyne boutique bead and breakfast. The best location ever! Right across the road from the main lookout to the Three Sisters. Veronica is a really lovely manager and the breakfast was great! Really sweet and charming décor.


·         Bon Ton in Leura. AMAZING food. That is all.

·         Leura Garage. Very trendy cool vibe in there and again incredible food. Also award winning coffee!! WIN WIN!

·         See the Three sisters (a given).
·         Climb down the giant stairway (warning…900 steps! Second warning…no lift provided!)  
·         Travel up the cliff on the scenic skyway.
·         Wonder through the cute main street of Leura
·         Go to the famous café/chocolate shop, The Paragon, in Katoomba
·         See Wentworth falls. We only made it half way down the falls but that is all you need I think. It’s magical down there. But be warned the steps are steep and plentiful!

Obviously there is a lot more to do but seeing as we only had 2 days that was all we could squeeze in.

Hope the pics inspire someone to get out there and explore!


P.S. A Neil Young classic (Harvest Moon) to get you in the mood!